Jani Klemenčič

Sončkov dan ima sedemnajstič častnega pokrovitelja. Prvič je to bil Borut Pahor, takratni predsednik državnega zbora. Več kot odlično ga je zamenjal blejski veslač Jani Klemenčič, ki bo letos že petnajstič častni pokrovitelj Sončkovega dne. Na 10. Sončkovem dnevu ga je izvrstno nadomeščal košarkarski as Danko Cvjetičanin. Jani se je kot naš gost velikokrat udeležil Sončkovih programov tako med poletnimi kot tudi med zimskimi počitnicami. Odlični blejski veslač je bil udeleženec štirih olimpijskih iger, nosilec kolajn z največjih svetovnih tekmovanj, na prvem mestu pa osebnost z vsemi vrlinami, ki so lahko vzor mladim …
23th Day of Sonček
Olympic athlete from Bled Jani Klemenčič
For the seventeenth time, the Day of Soncek has an honorary sponsor. The first sponsor was Borut Pahor, the then president of
the National Assembly. He was replaced by a rower from Bled Jani Klemencčič, who will be the honorary sponsor of the Day of Soncek for the 15. time this year.
The sponsor of the 10th Day of Soncek was an excellent basketball player Danko Cvjeticanin. As our guest, Jani often attended the programmes of SC Soncek during the summer and winter holidays. Even before he became the honorary sponsor, he was a regular guest at the Day of Soncek. This excellent rower from Bled attended the Olympics four times and has won medals at the greatest world championships. But the most important are his personal qualities that can be a great example for the young people… Before the Day of Sonček he said:
Dear friends,
Another year has passed and once again I have, as a great friend of the Day of Soncek, the honour to take over the place of an honorary sponsor. It is true that this is only symbolic, but the fact that more than 1500 children from 144 teams and from ten countries will get together, speaks for itself. What we all have in common, is sport. The success itself is not so important, is it?
It is a great success that you participate at this tournament, that you socialize, get to know each other and talk to each other, even though you are coming from different countries! I had to start where you are now and the results were not important for me at the beginning. Friends come first, and then all the rest that is related to sports follows…and over time, you will realize that there are so many things that you can learn from sport and that it can give you so much! Sport has been the centre of my life for quite some time now. Four Olympic
Games have paved my long sports path, along with the blisters, countless kilometres and the much needed discipline… You should be happy to be a part of this great competition which can be prepared only by the hard-working organizers of the Day of Sonček. We should thank them for taking care of every single detail of this event year after year. Never forget about the true sports spirit and don’t forget that even the hardest and the longest path begins with the smallest step. Keep in mind that you can do anything if you try and maybe someday one of you will win an Olympic medal, just like I have!
Sports greetings to all and let the sun shine for you every day!